About Us​

Founded in 2001, DSTOK Clearance Brokers has grown to become one of Australia’s largest stock clearance brokers . We specialise in clearing slow moving, obsolete and short dated food and grocery products throughout Australia and New Zealand, working with companies such as Coca Cola, Frucor, Smiths, Snackbrands, Sunrice, Arnotts Biscuits to name only a few.

Our Mission

We are at the forefront on the war on food waste, helping our clients clear their unwanted stock thus minimising waste, whilst at the same time striving to optimise the value for this stock. We understand the value of every product, no matter the volume or the shelf life, and we strive to find the perfect market for each item.

Our Team


  • A 40+ year career in retail and retail services.
  • 1979 to 1997 with Franklins, at the time Australia’s 3rd largest supermarket chain, Mark commenced as a trainee buyer and worked through to become Merchandise Manger with responsibilities covering all areas of buying and marketing, culminating with the last three years representing the merchandise team at Board level and managing key supplier relationships.
  • Former member of the Brands on Show Merchandising Services establishment team and their former General Manager of Business Development (1998 – 2001).
  • Established dstok.com in 2002.


  • Studied a business degree at Frank Phillips University in Texas, USA.
  • Recently completed a 2 month secondment working in a discount customers retail store and warehouse.


  • Recently returned from playing professional Baseball for the last 5 years with the St. Louis Cardinals Organisation.
  • Joined DSTOK in 2020 in a minor part time roll